
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Do You Make These 3 Mistakes with Your Small Business Marketing?
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Today, I want to talk about this question: do you make these three mistakes with your small business marketing? There's obviously more than three mistakes people make, but these three are the ones I want to focus on today.
The first mistake is not creating a website. This is common these days, with new businesses. I've come across them, some of them are now my clients. The first thing you do is you have the business idea, you might register the business with the state and local municipality, and then you go ahead and you create a social media page, something like Facebook.
becomes your sole focus: increasing your Facebook page, and posting things on
Facebook. That is an interesting strategy. It's certainly a cheap strategy, but
in the long run, it could be a costly strategy, which leads me to my next
mistake, which is revolving your marketing around social media exclusively.

Friday Jun 24, 2016
The 3 Most Powerful Secrets for Defining Your Target Market
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Hi, good morning. Today's topic is on the three most powerful secrets for defining your ideal client. Now, a lot of times, as I've written before, and you've heard, everybody says, “Everyone is my client, are potential clients or prospects”, and we all know that's not true.
These are powerful secrets that will definitely help you to find who your ideal client is.
The first powerful secret is, pretend you could only market to one customer or client of yours. That's it. Let's pretend somebody came into your business and said, "You could only choose one customer, that's it."
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Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
See How Easily You Can Get Customers/Clients to Pay More for What You Offer
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Wednesday Jun 01, 2016
Brad Swezey: Hi there. Today's topic is going to be how you can easily get more customers and clients to pay more for what you offer.
The problem with many small businesses is they think that they have to compete on price. That the lowest price is going to get people to choose them.
The problem with that is you're trying to get more and more customers because you have to make up in volume what you've given up in price. What happens with that is you'll lose one of your key competitive advantages, which is very often customer service.
Today, we're going to talk to you about some tips to help you charge more for what you offer and do it in a way that your customers are actually happy about it.

Monday May 23, 2016
The Secret of Making Your Business Disappear
Monday May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
Today's topic is The Secret of Making Your Business Disappear. That's right. We're going to talk about the secret of making your small business disappear.
Here's what you should do if you want to see your business disappear, either go bankrupt, go out of business, etc.
The first thing you should do is spend no money on marketing. Completely build your business by word of mouth. That's the first thing. Avoid spending any money on marketing because nobody wants to spend money to tell other people what they're doing.
All you need to do is open your business and, like magic, people are going to be attracted to you. They're going to come into your business in a sizeable fashion and you can continue to grow it.

Wednesday May 04, 2016
What Everyone Ought to Know about Your Business
Wednesday May 04, 2016
Wednesday May 04, 2016
Hi, good morning. What today's topic is going to be is what everyone ought to know about your business, specifically your small business. There are a lot of businesses out there, as you know, and many of you, many of us, actually frequent the bigger established chains for a lot of the things we need and want.
But our clients and myself are small businesses, and we need to find a way to connect with people on a more direct basis, so that we can deliver that value to them and we can help small businesses, which generally keeps money in the local community and helps it improve.
One thing I want to talk about today is really about you, your business. A lot of the times when I'm looking at a client's business as part of the overall marketing plan we're doing, we notice that a lot of them lack that really true story about them.
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Monday Apr 18, 2016
Whose Fault is it When People Don't Buy From You?
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Monday Apr 18, 2016
Brad Swezey: Today's topic is, "Who's fault is it when people don't buy from your business?" I can give you a hint. Chances are, it's probably not the customer's fault, or the client's fault. What we have to do is probably point the fingers at us.
Now, I want to put a caveat on that. That doesn't mean that you should sell your product to everybody. For example, my consulting service for small businesses is not for every small business. Some small businesses are not able to pay my consulting fee, and so they are not yet ready to do business with them.
I'm not saying that you want to sell to everybody, all the time, because only one way to do that, for the most part, is to have a price low enough so that people of all income levels, etc., will buy it. I don't think many of us small business owners are set up that way. The chances are that it is you when they don't buy.
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Saturday Apr 09, 2016
The Secret to Making a Marketing Budget
Saturday Apr 09, 2016
Saturday Apr 09, 2016
Hi, good morning. Today’s topic is going to be about the secret of making a marketing budget for your small business. There are three basic ingredients that you need to make that marketing budget.
The first is, how much revenue do you want to have in the next 12 months? The second thing is, how much money do you have available to market? The third thing is a source to make up the difference.
Let me break this down a little because there are minor ingredients in that. The first thing is, how much revenue do you want? Let’s say you want $100,000 in revenue over the next 12 months.

Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Hi. Today's topic is, "Don't go to sleep tonight until you can answer this one question about your customer service that your business offers."
Customer service, we all hear about it, we all talk about it all the time. We want to treat our customers like royalty, etc. Our customer's are our most important part of our business. You'll see a lot of businesses say that. It's pretty normal, and expected.
What I want to do is ask you a question:
If you actually asked your customers, surveyed them, or had us send a survey or something, what would they say about your customer service?

Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Time to Set Your Marketing Clock Ahead One Hour
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Hi there, today's topic is related to daylight savings time. Daylight savings time is when we get to adjust the clocks and I thought that was a perfect time for you to also look at your marketing efforts. I know I preach looking at it more than twice a year, but the reality is most small business owners get so busy running their businesses that they don't get the chance to do it as often as they could, which is why the time changes twice a year are good times to do it. There are three things I want to talk about today

Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Every Door is Not a Target Market
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Learn what I think about receiving a 16-page magazine type sales brochure in the mail along with all my neighbors for a small business who was trying to market the cheap, but really expensive way.